Last night I dutifully clicked off the light and slid down into the cool, crisp covers. Huh? My eyes popped back open when I realized the room wasn't very dark. A light left on in the living room? No. It was moonlight pouring through all those windows in the back of the house. As of yesterday we've lived here a month, so it is funny the moonlight is just now a problem. It's been such a rainy and overcast summer that we haven't had a chance to see the moon's best efforts!
I looked up at the ceiling for a while. Humph. Then I rolled out of bed to find my camera and tripod. Out on the deck, I found a landscape where Bela Lugosi would have felt right at home.
I trooped back inside and fell asleep in fairly short order. This morning after I dropped Eli off at school, I decided it was time to get the living room curtains hung! Of course, when you are a bit behind on sleep, the plastic screw anchors will squish sideways rather than go into your pilot hole and the first curtain rod bracket will end up crooked. An hour later...
I think I feel a nap coming on...