As Halloween approaches, there are some great ideas flying around on social media. I was in awe of one in particular -- molding edible Jello worms inside bendy straws. You use raspberry gelatin mixed with green-tinted cream for opaque wiggly worms. Eli and I decided we had to try it.
Eli straightened out three packs of soda straws and stood them up in a Mason jar. (See our Lego haunted house?)
Eli mixed the gelatin.
Pink plus green equals icky brown.
I slowly poured the mixture in. As the liquid evened out across the straws it made weird slurpy sounds like pudding in a pipe organ. We had a good laugh over that part.
Eli was excited about squeezing the worms out of the straws after they had chilled eight hours. Unfortunately, it was too hard for his small hands.
There were about 120 worms. With each one I had to hold the straw under hot water to loosen it, wipe the straw dry, then squeeze out the worm. After unmolding about a quarter of them, I hit on using pliers to help me hold on to the back of the straw. Much easier! (Eli took this picture. He did a good job, didn't he?)
We made our worms on a warm day and it took so long to unmold them that the hot water was making them soft. I nested my worm container on top of some ice water, and that helped the worms stay solid while I finished.
Ta da! Here are our wiggly raspberry worms. They smelled much nicer than they looked. And after we added a sprinkling of crushed Oreo "dirt," they tasted yummy too. We served some to Granddad and Grandma for our special early Halloween supper, and then Eli took the rest to school. His teachers are such good sports and let all the kids have some.
Click HERE for the blog with the worm recipe and directions. Thanks Debbie of One Little Project blog for sharing!
Click HERE for a funny story about Eli taking fake yucky food to school...edible owl barf ball pellets!